Stay Young, Keep Learning

Tim Sanders recommends expanding your resume every year to avoid getting lapped up in the sport of business by those who do.

He writes in his post:

Youth is a state of mind, not a counting of years.  In my experience, the secret to eternal youth is lifelong learning…the constant expansion of one’s resume of experiences and insights.  Henry Ford once quipped, “Anyone who stops learning becomes old, whether at twenty or at eighty. Anyone that keeps learning stays young.” 

He goes on to say:

If you aren’t expanding your resume every year, you are likely being getting lapped in the sport of business by those that do.  You can improve a resume without changing jobs.  You can add areas of expertise or new areas of project work.  You can add volunteer work, hobbies or interests. You can add professional associations you’ve joined and contributed to.  All of these additions give your career a sense of momentum, which gives you the confidence to embrace change. 

Read his full post here:  If You Don’t Expand This Annually, You Are Getting Lapped

About Tim Sanders:
Tim Sanders is a rare hybrid of business expert and keynote speaker. Coupled with his passion, insight and research ability, Tim is able to move audiences to action when he speaks, give clients innovative solutions when he consults, and share knowledge when he writes. Through Tim’s significant business expertise and people skills, his work is frequently featured in the media where he has earned the reputation as a people-centric business expert.