Measuring Micro-blogging Adoption

Here are the parameters I am using to measure adoption of corporate micro-blogging. Number of members on the serviceTotal messagesPeople with at least one message% People with at least one messagePeople contributed 80% of messages% People contributed 80% of messagesStill don't have a strong business case to take to my CEO for spending money on it.

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I Don’t Want to Measure!

Now don’t get me wrong. I love measurement. Heck, I measure everything, Everything! I am the epitome of measurement. Okay, perhaps that’s stretching it too far but you get the picture. I believe measurement is a critical step to bring about any change and improvement. Yet, I have been shying away from measurement lately. Well, I am still measuring but am generally becoming resistant to pushing the envelope too far on measurement. Which got me thinking. When does measurement become a pain in the wrong part of our anatomy? When…

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My Lessons in Change Management

Last year I reduced my weight by about 16 kgs. It was an interesting journey. In the process I learned many things that could be applied to the corporate world, especially when one is required to bring about changes in the organization.The biggest challenge in losing weight was to have determination. And my wife was very determined that I lose weight. When bringing about major changes in an organization, it is important that senior management is determined and committed to making things happen.I tell my friends that the first step…

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