The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same

This year I completed 20 years in the learning and development industry. As I reflect back, some things just remain the same, especially in elearning. Even today when I tell someone that I develop elearning, I get the “Oh that’s an upcoming industry”. Even after 20 years, elearning is still an upcoming industry!!!Elearning development continues to be riddled with the same questions over the years with no right answers. Many years ago, when I was learning Instructional Design (ID), one of the mentors said the full form of ID is…

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It’s Been a Rather Quiet 2011 Here

It’s been a rather quiet 2011 on this blog. Thanks to a couple of guest posts, there were 12 real posts in the whole year. As I reflect on last year, the usual excuse of getting very little time was the first one that sprung to mind. But in reality, I think I just didn't make enough effort. There were many blog posts that crossed my mind that didn’t get written. Many reflections that I wanted to share, many questions that I wanted to explore. Hopefully 2012 will be a…

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It’s Not This Or That, It’s This AND That

Came across a tweet by a respected TV journalist today:r day should be a celebration of creative genius of india, not of armed forces might. fewer tanks, more music. gnightI have heard people cribbing and providing their alternatives in the past also. “We should not spend money on games, the same could be used for the poor”, “why do film stars get awards, they should be given to intellectuals” and so on.Mostly we rant about why we shouldn’t do the things that are happening and why we should shift our…

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MBTI Insights

I am going through a leadership workshop and as part of that, we took the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) questionnaire. I have taken this questionnaire a few times before and have sat through sessions explaining the concept of physiological types. This time however our facilitator Santosh Babu provided some interesting perspectives and insights into the test.There’s a difference between type and trait. Type is who you really are. However trait is something that you demonstrate. I think when I filled the questionnaire, I answered questions according to the traits I…

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What is Innovation?

Talking about innovation always opens Pandora’s box (see comments on my post Innovation in Indian Learning Industry). Wikipedia defines innovation as: a new way of doing something or "new stuff that is made useful". It may refer to incremental and emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations.According to Merriam-Webster, innovation is:Main Entry: in•no•va•tionPronunciation: "i-n&-'vA-sh&nFunction: noun1 : the introduction of something new2 : a new idea, method or device Another site says: An innovation can be big or small. Brand-new or just a bit different,…

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Do we Learn More from Successes or Failures?

Amit Garg asks whether we learn more from successes than failure. He mentions an article on Science Daily that suggests brain cells learn more from successes than failures. Well, at least that’s how monkeys learn based on a research by scientists at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory according to the article. Do read the interesting conversation ongoing on his blog post. Do organizations learn from successes? Do they even attempt at learning from successes? I don’t think organizations and managers do a good job at learning from successes.…

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Last month this blog completed two years. It’s been an interesting journey of self discovery with 3 name changes, 116 posts, 263 comments, nearly 20,000 page views and most importantly 200 RSS and email subscribers. THANK YOU for reading and contributing to my learning. Do drop a line about how this blog has been able to contribute in your learning and how I can make this blog better.

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eLearning and Instructional Design Meme

Last year I wrote a brief post about tech support meme and posted a hilarious video. I recently came across a whole book about, well not exactly tech support memes though some of stories are about tech support, Indian BPO stories. BPO-Sutra is compiled and edited by Sudhindra Mokhasi and he is already calling for more stories for a volume II. So do instructional designers have any stories to build the elearning or instructional design meme? Here are two to start with. Would love to hear more from you. Either…

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What Type of a Leader Are You?

It’s happened to me a few times now. We are going somewhere and I am asked to follow someone else’s car. I observed three types of leaders:   1.       The Highly skilled but somewhat Self-Centred Leader: The driver in the car ahead of me just zooms past leaving me to figure out the way myself. They are usually very skilled at manoeuvring through the traffic themselves. You will usually lose them at a traffic signal that they go past leaving you stranded waiting for the light to turn. They are…

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