Recruiters, Wake Up and Use Social Networking to Hire

In a recent post, RWW reports that “In a study of 300 hiring managers and recruiters, Palo Alto-based social networking monitoring service Reppler reports that 76% of hiring managers look at applicants' Facebook profiles. An additional 56% are looking at Twitter, and 48% check out LinkedIn.”The fact that recruiters should be checking out basic info on social networks makes perfect sense to me. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem true, at least for Indian recruiters. I recently got a call from a recruiter, apparently someone involved in senior level recruitment in a…

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11 Reasons NOT to Ban Social Media in Your Organization

Jane Hart seeks rebuttal to reasons commonly given by organizations for banning social media at work. I have heard some of these. Here’s why I believe organizations should NOT ban social media, rather find ways to leverage it. Some of these are in the Indian context of hiring and retaining workforce. I am adding an 11th reason that I have heard for why organizations ban social media that could perhaps make it to the list.11.          Social media takes up too much of company’s Internet bandwidth hampering other work.Given the advantages…

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Social Media is a Waste of Time

I am sure you’ve heard this before, what with 54% companies banning social media sites. Of course, Twitter and Facebook are complete waste of time. Reading and writing blogs is a complete waste of time too. I also hear some executives say email is a waste of time too. And phone? What does everyone talk about anyway? They should get off the phones and just work (and I have had managers complain that personal calls were affecting productivity of some people). I think books are a waste of time too.…

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Do you ‘Get’ Social Networking?

What came first – chicken or egg? Most people don’t get benefit of social networking because they don’t have a large enough network. And then they don’t build their network because they don’t get the benefit. Have patience. After all if it takes 10,000 hrs to become an expert, how can you expect to get benefits from social networking by simply creating accounts on various social networking services but not actually using them?

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Convergence on Social Media – When Not to Use

So LinkedIn now allows you to update your status with your Twitter updates. There are already applications that help you post your Twitter updates to Facebook. And then there’s FriendFeed that allows you to consolidate all your social activity and push that on Facebook and other social media sites. Not to mention other aggregation services, RSS feeds, email alerts, etc. etc.Seems like a cool thing, surely. Well almost. If your social network across different social media services looks like below, then posting the same update on different services makes sense.…

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Twitter – Social or Professional Networking?

I came across the following tweet from someone who I am following: Is twitter a social networking or a professional networking tool? I really dont want to know ur progress through the day unless ur a starlet   The choice is really yours, the users. What you absolutely can’t control is what others tweet. You decide who you want to follow. And even the people who tweet ‘professionally’ are also humans (unless you are following a bot or a company/publication, in which case this conversation doesn’t hold good). And humans…

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Social Networker in Hindi

What is a social networker in Hindi? Jugaadu! A jugaadu is someone who knows people and can get things done. Isn’t that the essence of social networking or networking in general? Basically know more people so you can get the info when you need it, or get a job, or get a business deal etc. Jugaadu n. /jü-'ga-d&-'ü/ (जुगाडू): a person one who has numerous useful and cashable Jugaads. A person who will always find you a resourceful / creative solution to problems. Synonym: Bricoleur (French)  Jugaad n. /jü-'ga-d&/ (जुगाड़):…

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Twitter Twitter Everywhere…

Everyone’s talking about Twitter. So here's my addition to the conversation based on my experiences with Twitter as @manishmo.What is Twitter? To me it is various forms of IM, asynchronous chat, chat room, email, SMS on the Internet, blog (micro-blog) depending on how you use it. I also like this explanation by Chris Brogan: Twitter is a stream. Facebook is both a stream and a stopping point (but mostly a stream). Your blog is a stopping point pretending to be a stream. It’s important to think about where you want information…

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Learning Formats in 2020

Geetha Krishnan asks "what kind of learning formats will be in vogue in the year 2020, specifically with respect to corporate training?" My short response that I left as comments on his post is given below. Don’t miss out on other comments on his post from experts in the industry.Man (as in generic human, not intended to be sexist), has forever learned from teachers, gurus. Knowledge has been passed down through ages by the teachers/gurus. The medium changed over the years. The common thread that I see is that the changing…

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Web and Mobility

Seth Godin recently wrote Do you know enough? If not, what are you doing about it? If so, who do you think you're kidding? [Interesting side alley: I was talking to a friend yesterday and encouraged her to speak at an upcoming conference. She said, "No way. I don't know enough." I explained that volunteering to speak was the best way to be sure that she'd end up knowing enough by the time she was through.]   When I recently got a chance to speak at our annual strategic input…

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